#Hadoop 1.X : @Cloudera = #Hadoop 2.X : @Hortonworks
2014-02-15 | #Me
Hortonworks.com cloudera.com
2014-02-15 | #Me
Hortonworks.com cloudera.com
2014-01-20 | #database #R #twitter
dump_tweets.R is a tool for searching tweets and (recursively) crawl users from twitter: Data are then saved to a MySQL database and can finally be exported to .RData files dump_tweets.
2013-11-21 | #R
As suggested by Julianhi’s Blog post, I installed the CRAN Rfacebook package for the R statistical environment and I created a sample igraph with 20 of my “facebook friends” ## See examples for fbOAuth to know how token was created.
2013-11-21 | #linux
From twitter @linuxfondation account 10,000 developers from 1,000 companies have contributed to #Linux since 2005. Are you one of them? pic.twitter.com/6BIUgKDhnM
2013-09-25 | #Me
Following the suggestions from http://www.p2warticles.com/2012/04/menu-avanzato-telnet-alice-wifi-voip-2-plus/ I unlocked my Pirelli Broadband Solutions / Telecom Italia Alice Gate VoIP router agpf_4.5.2 with the following steps 1) downloading the backdoor tool (for linux and windows) 2) generating the payload using the mach address of my router