ICA-ATOM (QUBIT), THE OpenSource archival description software
2009-04-15 | #Me #OpenSource
I’ve collected some information about ICA-ATOM (based on QuBit). Please read my presentation from Google Docs
2009-04-15 | #Me #OpenSource
I’ve collected some information about ICA-ATOM (based on QuBit). Please read my presentation from Google Docs
2009-04-13 | #Activemq #OpenSource #Ruby
After many years I’ve updated my Wordlist Generator project! I’ve seen in several forums that some people still use my old perl script wg.pl The new ruby project is hosted at http://code.
2009-02-27 | #Me
L’Antitrust della Comunita’ Europea continua la sua battaglia contro Microsoft e Google dara’ il suo contributo. Leggete qui'
2009-01-08 | #Me #Microsoft #OpenSource
Microsoft dice che ogni volta che si compra un Mac si paga una tassa ad Apple. Ma si puo’ dire analogamente che ogni volta che si compra un pc con installato windows, si paga una tassa a Microsoft.
2009-01-05 | #Chess #Erlang #Me #Programming
“The eight queens puzzle is the problem of putting eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard such that none of them is able to capture any other using the standard chess queen’s moves.